如何应对心理创伤并缓解压力?- 关键要点
- 使用心身技术进行心理和生理的自我照顾
- 在专家主导的小组中学习和体验
- 通过“培训师培训”计划,以维持心身健康

About James S. Gordon, MD
James S. Gordon, MD, author of “The Transformation: Discovering Wholeness and Healing After Trauma”, is a world-recognized authority on post-traumatic stress and a mind-body medicine pioneer. A longtime researcher at the National Institute of Mental Health and a Clinical Professor at Georgetown Medical School, he was chairman (under Presidents Clinton and GW Bush) of the White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine Policy. As Founder and Executive Director of The Center for Mind-Body Medicine in Washington, D.C., Dr. Gordon, a psychiatrist, has created and implemented the world’s largest and most effective program for healing population-wide psychological trauma and dealing with chronic stress. He and his global faculty of 140 have brought this evidence-based program of self-care and group support to more than 6,000 health professionals and the institutions in which they work, as well as to communities in the U.S. and overseas.
